
One girl's quest to step out of the boat and walk daily with her Savior

Saturday, May 28, 2011

His eye is on the sparrow

This weekend has been crazy and unbelievably hectic for me.  I've been running running running, from one thing to the next, staying with different friends in different cities every night 4 nights running.  I've gone from Albany, to Atlanta, to Rome, back to Atlanta, and tomorrow I'll be going to New York.

The most amazing thing to me is that, through all of the details and hustle and bustle of these past few days, God is still looking out for me.  None of my plans have gone awry or been delayed.  A raging storm did not keep me from getting to the dance in Atlanta on Thursday night on time.  Horrible traffic did not hold me up on my way to Rome the next day.  Everything has worked out perfectly, down to the last detail.

Now I know that that doesn't always happen.  Sometimes life throws us curve balls, and our best-made plans fall short.  But Matthew 6:26 says that we can be assured of God looking out for us - we can easily see that He looks out for the birds of the air, and how much more important are we to God than birds!  God is in control, and God is looking out for us - even when it may not look like that.  In the end, He WILL take care of us - He WILL work out the details of our lives.  What a comfort that is to know.

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