I went out to lunch the other day with a friend. While we were talking, we overheard the waitress say to people who were leaving in the booth behind us that, if they didn't mind, she was going to give them "an encouraging word" - a business card with a scripture printed on it. We were impressed, so when she came to our table we commented on it. This sparked an entire conversation with her. She asked us if we went to church. I told her yes, and it turns out that we went to the same church! I suppose that's one of the side effects of going to a large church - you can run right into a fellow parishioner and never be the wiser.
So anyway, our waitress - her name is Marlene - gave us each a scripture card, as well. Mine was John 14:1, which says "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." It was a very timely verse to me, since I've been working double time to not let my heart be troubled about my impending flight. Marlene then asked me if she was going to see me at church this Sunday, to which I said no, I was going to be leaving the country on Friday. So I told her a little bit about my trip, and she promised that she would pray for me when she got home, and then she went back to work, and that was that.
Well, a few minutes later, she popped her head around the corner again. She said, "you know, I was planning on doing this when I got home, but I just really feel called to do it with you now. Can I pray with you?" Of course I said yes, and so she scooted into the booth with me, and the three of us held hands, and she prayed for me, right there in the middle of Longhorn's steakhouse.
I was so touched. I really don't think that Marlene will ever know how much she touched me that day because she wasn't afraid to share her faith. And it made me wonder: how many opportunities to touch someone else's life like that have come my way and I've missed them? How many times have I let fear or self-consciousness or even just plain busyness get in the way of me showing Jesus to someone?
So my prayer today is that God would make me more like Marlene - sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and willing to tell others about Jesus, no matter what the situation. That I would seize the opportunity to make His name known, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Now I know, from being on the receiving end, that there's no telling how much a simple little expression of Christ's love can affect someone.
So anyway, our waitress - her name is Marlene - gave us each a scripture card, as well. Mine was John 14:1, which says "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me." It was a very timely verse to me, since I've been working double time to not let my heart be troubled about my impending flight. Marlene then asked me if she was going to see me at church this Sunday, to which I said no, I was going to be leaving the country on Friday. So I told her a little bit about my trip, and she promised that she would pray for me when she got home, and then she went back to work, and that was that.
Well, a few minutes later, she popped her head around the corner again. She said, "you know, I was planning on doing this when I got home, but I just really feel called to do it with you now. Can I pray with you?" Of course I said yes, and so she scooted into the booth with me, and the three of us held hands, and she prayed for me, right there in the middle of Longhorn's steakhouse.
I was so touched. I really don't think that Marlene will ever know how much she touched me that day because she wasn't afraid to share her faith. And it made me wonder: how many opportunities to touch someone else's life like that have come my way and I've missed them? How many times have I let fear or self-consciousness or even just plain busyness get in the way of me showing Jesus to someone?
So my prayer today is that God would make me more like Marlene - sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and willing to tell others about Jesus, no matter what the situation. That I would seize the opportunity to make His name known, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. Now I know, from being on the receiving end, that there's no telling how much a simple little expression of Christ's love can affect someone.
John 14:1-4
1 “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. 2 My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. 4 You know the way to the place where I am going.”