
One girl's quest to step out of the boat and walk daily with her Savior

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Pigs and earrings

I've had Proverbs 11:22 running through my head all day.  I look around at all of these beautiful women and handsome men who constantly surround me these days.  Many of them I would consider incredibly attractive.  And then they open their mouths.

I have never in my life heard so many bad words, dirty references, or inappropriate stories casually discussed as I have this weekend.  Never in my life seen so much partying and drinking.  Now I will certainly be the first to admit that a large reason for that is because I have consciously worked to maintain my innocence in matters like those and not hang out too much with people who enjoy doing things like that.  But nonetheless, it's incredible to me that such a large percentage of my generation not only thinks that behavior like that is acceptable, but it is expected, even applauded.

I think that's why I've been thinking of Proverbs 11:22 all day - that verse says that "Like a gold ring in a pig’s snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion."  This verse, of course, speaks specifically about women.  But I think that it can be applied to men, as well.  It saddens me to see behavior like that on such a large scale.  But at the same time, even if we might disagree with what other people do, it's not our job to judge.  All we can do is pray, and love them unconditionally.

My prayer is that God would raise up a generation of movers and shakers for HIS kingdom.  I pray that we would be the ones making the trends, not following them.  That we would take a stand and take back our culture for the glory of the Lord. 

I pray for discretion for the people of my generation.  I pray that those who know God would learn discretion in handling difficult situations, and even those who don't know Him, that they would not try to make a swine beautiful.  We are all beautiful in God's eyes as we are; there is no need to prove that we are worth something.

Pray that God gives you discretion.  Pray that we would no longer put golden earrings in pigs' snouts.  That is the cry of my heart today.

1 comment:

  1. yup, all i can say is AMEN!!! unfortunately, sin nature is common to us all, and it's only under submission to God's control - of our lives, our tongues, our bodies, out thoughts...that we can ever hope to be a mover and shaker for Him.

    I truly hope that you DO rise to leadership - wherever you end up! - and bring along a worthy remnant with you...

