I bought a popsicle stick today. And as I was sitting there on the curb, staring at the asphalt road and metal grating right beneath my dangling feet, sticky sweet strawberry-flavored syrup running down my fingers, I had a revelation. It occurred to me that, if I wanted to, I could pretend that I was basically anywhere in the world at that moment. The asphalt, the grates, the ice cream, the curb....it was all exactly the same as almost every other country I've ever been to. If I had wanted to, with my limited perspective, I could have literally imagined myself anywhere.
It was only as I looked up and around that I began to notice discrepancies, things that did not belong in Spain or France or the USA. Like the huge ceramic pots of kimchi that were nestled in the alleys between the apartments. Or the funny script that covered sign posts, buses, and buildings. Or the aging, stooped old Korean ajjumas slowly making their way fearlessly across 4 lanes of traffic.
So many of us go through life the same way that I did while I was eating my popsicle. We bury our heads into our chests, not noticing or caring what's going on around us. We focus on what's directly in front of our faces, directly in our realm of responsibility, directly in our specific life. It's easier that way. Less complicated. We don't have to think about the complications that arise when other people are brought into the picture.
But God has called us to touch not only our direct neighbors, but all nations, to the very ends of the earth. Wow. That's a steep commandment. Now, don't misunderstand me; I don't think that God has really called every single Christian to be globe-trotting missionaries. But He has called us to get out of our comfort zones sometimes. We will never meet people in need, we will never show strangers God's love, we will never make disciples, if we go through life staring at the asphalt roads and metal grates right under our noses. So get up. Get going. Look around. Widen your perspective, and take note of the things around you, the people around you. You will never be able to help them if you don't first see them.
It was only as I looked up and around that I began to notice discrepancies, things that did not belong in Spain or France or the USA. Like the huge ceramic pots of kimchi that were nestled in the alleys between the apartments. Or the funny script that covered sign posts, buses, and buildings. Or the aging, stooped old Korean ajjumas slowly making their way fearlessly across 4 lanes of traffic.
So many of us go through life the same way that I did while I was eating my popsicle. We bury our heads into our chests, not noticing or caring what's going on around us. We focus on what's directly in front of our faces, directly in our realm of responsibility, directly in our specific life. It's easier that way. Less complicated. We don't have to think about the complications that arise when other people are brought into the picture.
But God has called us to touch not only our direct neighbors, but all nations, to the very ends of the earth. Wow. That's a steep commandment. Now, don't misunderstand me; I don't think that God has really called every single Christian to be globe-trotting missionaries. But He has called us to get out of our comfort zones sometimes. We will never meet people in need, we will never show strangers God's love, we will never make disciples, if we go through life staring at the asphalt roads and metal grates right under our noses. So get up. Get going. Look around. Widen your perspective, and take note of the things around you, the people around you. You will never be able to help them if you don't first see them.
Matthew 28:16-20
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
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