
One girl's quest to step out of the boat and walk daily with her Savior

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Plans and pants

The great theologian A.W. Tozer once said that "God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible.  What a pity that we plan only the things that we can do by ourselves."

I have to admit....I'm a planner. Some people suffer from procrastination - but I suffer from the opposite extreme.  I have outlines done months in advance, rough drafts completed weeks in advance, and final submissions  finished days in advance.  I cannot remember the last time that I worked on a project the day - or even the day before - it was due.

Sometimes this is really nice.  I've never had to pull an all-nighter for anything, never missed a deadline, and am rarely stressed about my workload.  But other times, it's more of a curse than a blessing.  Let me give you an example.  I'm in the middle of an intensive English camp with my students right now - I have them 2 hours a day every day for 2 weeks.  And I am planning it to death.  Every day I'm spending at least 5-6 hours preparing for the 2 hours of class that I have - not to mention the weeks that I spent getting ready beforehand.

And then, despite all of my planning and preparation, plans always seem to change.  I go from feeling completely in charge and prepared to flying by the seat of my pants.  Times change, topics change, people change, and I am left nowhere close to in charge.  But sometimes I get the feeling that God likes it that way.  When we are not in control, that means that He can be.  He can be the guiding force behind all of our grandiose plans and hopes for the future.

So I guess when the push comes to shove, we all have a choice.  We can either plan our lives to death, and probably do pretty great things.  Or we can let God plan our lives, and do impossible things.

James 5:13-18
13 Is anyone among you in trouble?  Let them pray.  Is anyone happy?  Let them sing songs of praise.  14 Is anyone among you sick?  Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.  15 And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up.  If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.  16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.  the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.  17 Elijah was a human being, even as we are.  He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.  18 Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops.

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