
One girl's quest to step out of the boat and walk daily with her Savior

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Waiting for the morning

I love early mornings.  The sun peeking in over the hilltops, the birds just beginning their daily chatter, the city sleepily getting going on its busy day.  I lie in my bed, listening to the sounds of life around me, just drinking it all in.

My senses are hyper sensitive in the morning.  I feel every fold of the soft blankets closing around me.  I hear every shuffle and whisper and clank of the people outside my bedroom and home.  I smell the tantalizing aromas of breakfasts in progress wafting through the air.  I see the colors of the sunrise bathing the city in an unnatural light, the kind of light that you are only privileged to see twice a day, during the death or birth of the sun.

I anticipate every morning with delight.  It's a special time for me, a time to both commune with the Lord, and to collect my own thoughts for the day.  I'm never so disoriented during the day, as when I've slept in in the morning and missed that special time.  So I can understand the Psalmist's eager anticipation for the Lord.  "My whole being waits for the Lord," he says, "as a watchman waits for the morning."

The morning is the best time of the day for the watchman because it means that he is safe, that he does not have to worry about his job until the next evening, when the darkness will settle over the land once again.  He waits for it eagerly because it means that he will be able to rest.  I enjoy the morning because I, too, find rest in the morning.  It is when I can collect my thoughts and calm my spirit, before the inevitable onslaught of the day.  Mornings are the only time in my life that I have control of, that I know what's going to happen.  I will wake up, I will get dressed, I will eat breakfast, I will leave for work.  I find comfort in the consistency of that.  After I walk out the door, all bets are off as to what may happen.

The Psalmist waits for the Lord like I wait for the morning, like the watchman anticipates the end of the night.  Do you?  How eager are you for Jesus to come - for Him to come into your life, for Him to return to this earth?  Do you eagerly anticipate it every day, and grasp any opportunity you can snatch to spend some time with Him?  Or do you just go about your own business, not really caring about whether Jesus is around or not?

Psalm 130:5-8
I wait for the Lordmy whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.  I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.  Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.  He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins.

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