
One girl's quest to step out of the boat and walk daily with her Savior

Friday, November 18, 2011

Men of God

The past few days were dedicated to women.  But men are just as important, too, so lest they feel neglected, today's post is for them.

Now, I must confess, I have very little experience in the world of men.  Aside from not being one myself, I've also had very little experience in the dating world.  So my experience with men is basically limited to my brothers, of which I've seen very little of since I left for college 5 years ago, and my father.

But my father is a pretty darn good example of a godly man, anyway.  Throughout the course of my childhood, he was constantly an example of what I should be looking for when it came time for me to find a husband.  The biggest way that he did that, however, was not in his spiritual habits, his many acts of service, or his attentiveness to the people around him.

It was prayer.  Everything he did stemmed from prayer.  Every problem that he had, prayer was the first thing that he did to correct it.  I suppose I can't honestly say everything...there were times when that was not the case, but he always made it clear at the end that those times had been a mistake on his part.  But throughout his successes, as well as his failures, he always taught me to run to the Lord - in the good times AND the bad.

Could it be that that, in a nutshell, is what it means to  be a man of God?  Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon....all of these men made a habit of going to God in their times of need.  They did it so often that it was simply engrained into their very being.  And of course, we can't forget about Jesus, our ultimate example - who always took his problems to the Lord, even when they weighed Him down so much that he was sweating blood.

The Bible calls us to stand firm in the faith.  But we cannot do that without know Who we are to have faith in.  Run to God.  He will give you the strength, the love, the trust, and the courage that you need to become a true man of God.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Be on the alert, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  Let all that you do be done in love.  

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