
One girl's quest to step out of the boat and walk daily with her Savior

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

He makes my paths straight

I had the most vivid dreams last night - abnormally vivid.  It was even stranger because I almost never dream.  I'm told all the time that everybody dreams, but I can count on one hand the number of dreams that I've actually had any recollection of by the time morning dawned.  But last night, I dreamed that I got accepted to all sorts of prestigious organizations in the United States - for graduate study, research, work, whatever.  Looking back, of course it was silly and unrealistic.  Most of those things I had never even applied for.  But I was convinced that it was happening - I even had to check my email accounts this morning to make sure that I really did not receive or send any of those messages that I thought I had.

But I also woke up with the refrain of a song based on Proverbs 3:5-6 repeating in my head.  And I realized that there was a huge conflict going on in my head.  The dreams were what I wanted - the song is what God wants.  My bags are all packed, my affairs in order, my friends said goodbye to, and I'll be leaving the country in T-minus 3 days.  But honestly, I don't want to.  I want to stay in my little bubble, happy and comfortable and safe.  I want to stay near to my friends and family and the life that I know.  It's easy, and I know it well.

But God hasn't called us to an easy life.  He's called us to a life of faith, a life of trust.  Notice that Proverbs 3 does NOT say that if we trust in the LORD, He will make our paths easy.  It says that He will make our paths straight.  But that doesn't mean that our path will be flat, and we that we will be able to see our future all the way to the horizon.  It will go up and down.  We won't always have a clear view of what's going to happen next.  But God has a bird's eye view - bumps and hills in our lives don't phase Him.  He still sees the big picture.  So trust Him.  He won't lead you into a dead end. 

Proverbs 3:5-6
 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

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