
One girl's quest to step out of the boat and walk daily with her Savior

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The constancy of God's love

After tossing and turning all night, I finally woke up for good this morning at 5:00 am.  The finality of today was really weighing heavy on me.  Today is my absolute last day of undergrad.  Sure, I don't graduate until Saturday, but my last final is this morning; after that, all I have to do is wait.  I've had an agonizing mental countdown going on for the past several weeks.  Sometimes I wanted the end to come; most often I did not.  It's been especially difficult these past few weeks and days, as I've grown very close to some people here on campus and at my church, and seen how this wonderful campus comes together and helps each other out in our times of need.  But every day, I could console myself with the fact that it wasn't quite over; I still had a few days left!  But today, I can't do that.  This is the end.  I came across a poem written by Sarah Arthur about her senior year in college that I thought would fit the mood perfectly.  I have typed it out below:

Suddenly there are only a few more days of this school year
Less than a week within this community that I've grown to love
I won't miss the schedules, or the stress of deadlines
But I will miss the playfulness of pretending to be grown-ups, 
The sisterhood of silliness
Now I AM grown up.
I'm twenty-one and I march down the sidewalk thinking,
"I'm twenty-one and I'm awake,
And all this grown up life is no longer a game.
Back when I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned like a child
But now that I'm a grown up....I'm scared.

My stomach has been roiling all morning.  Not necessarily because of fear of the future - although Korea DOES scare, I get the feeling that the real fear will not come until later - but more so dread of the finality of the present.  But it's interesting to me that the verse Sarah Arthur quotes in her poem in the last two lines is from 1 Corinthians 13 - the "love chapter."  I am growing up and life is changing; but the one constant I can rest in in God's love.  Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails (vs. 7-8).  What a great promise!  No matter what I'm going through, no matter how scary the future looks or how bright the past looks, He will always love me.  That's awesome :).  Alright, I'm off now to end my undergraduate career...**deep breath**

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